Just like the Google search console, Baidu search console is for the site admins to manage the website. Through the Google and Baidu search console, you can know how the sites performs on Google and Baidu. For example, you can check how many pages are indexed by google or baidu. And what search keywords brings visitors to your websites. And how the search keywords ranking in every country, etc.
What is the baidu webmaster tools?
Ok, baidu webmaster tool or the baidu search console, is for the site owners to submit their websites to baidu. Because the site owners target market is from China. And through the baidu webmaster tools, you can see how is your website ranking on different keywords. How many baidu users visit your website per day.
Below image is the image of the badu webmaster tool. The website url is https://ziyuan.baidu.com/
baidu webjmaster tool
Baidu webmaster tool is must have tool if you want to do Baidu seo in China.
Next is to register the Baidu webmaster tool.
Because baidu need a Chinese phone number to verify your loccation and you are a chinese.
If you do not have one Chinese number, then you can search the SMS on google have have one.
And then you can login with that phone number and the verifcation code. Or you can login with your social platforms.
You can follow below steps to submit your site to Baidu
login the baiduwebmaster tool url, and follow to below image to go to the sitge manament.
Once you have logged in, then you need to verify your Chinese ID .
And then you need to pass the baidu captcha to verify that you are not a bot.
Follow below steps to input your site url, add your site description and then audit your site.
you can audit your site with CNAME or upload the file to the FTP.
Below is how your website performs everyday. You can check below image.

below is the traffic details, what keywords are showing in the Baidu search query, and the clicks/ day, and the keywords ranking.

and below image is about the indexed pages every day by Baidu. as you can see in below image, the indexed pages quantity will fluctuate every day.